martes, 9 de junio de 2009

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009

5 frinds and an adventure

MARY: Anna

ROSE: Nora


ANNE: Marina


Narrator: One day, five friends were very boring. The weather was fabulous, but parents punished them.

Rose: We can escape, and make a plan, and also we can have a wonderful evening.

Kaitlin: Yes. I know a fabulous place. It calls Gorgues.


Narrator: The five friends escaped through the window and they where going to les Gorgues.

Mary: This is so beautiful!

Rose: Yeah I agree with you.

Sara: What are we doing here?

Kaitlin: Well, I think that because we were punished and here we can take photos, play in the grass, and be happy.

Anne: Wow. I like this so much.

Kaitlin: Yes. But… be careful, because this is so dangerous.

Mary: Yes, yes…

Kaitlin: It’s really true. It’s not a joke.

Mary: Ok.

Narrator: Mary goes away.

Rose: Where are you going?

Mary: Well… I only was going to investigate, and to look for a rainforest.

Kaitlin: What? A rainforest ?

Mary: Yeah. It’s a place where there are trees and…

Kaitlin: Yeah. I know what does it means, but we both know that this place is very dangerous. And I don’t think that there’s going to be any rainforest.

Rose: Mary is right; I think that is not going to happen anything if we investigate a few.

Anne: Yes, we can go. We come here to have a good time and join us.

Sara: Yeah, we are going to have lots of fun and all that you want. But hurry up. Our parents are going to punished us again if they find us at time.


Narrator: The girls go away. And in a few minutes…

Sara: Look! There’s a rainforest! Just there.

Mary: Can you see that Kaitlin.

Kaitlin: Hmm… Yes.

Anne: What’s this?

Rose: I think that is a raccoon.

Narrator: Mary the raccoons were scared. And she starts runing.

Sara: Stop you can lose yourself!

Anne: Stop!Narrator: The girls also run behind Mary. But a few minutes later they were tired. And they stopped.

Sara: What are we going to do now?

Rose: I don’t know.

Kaitlin: We can have sandwiches.

Sara: Yeah. Good idea.

Narrator: The girls ate the sandwiches and then they went away looking for Mary.In the mean time…

Narrator: Mary was scared. She was alone, nobody was there.

Mary: I’m alone and I’m scared. I think that I’ve got a broken bone. My leg hurts.

Narrator: Then the girls saw the same raccoon than before.

Anne: Is this the same raccoon?

Kaitlin: I think so.

Narrator: But the raccoon escaped.

Sara: Dolls, we have passed by this tree eight minutes ago.

Rose: Oh my god! We’re lost too. But we can’t give up. We need to find Mary. Who’s with?Narrator: The girls put the hands in the middle and said…

Sara: I’m with you!

Kaitlin: Me too!

Anne: And I think that me… Yes!


Narrator: Later the girls saw the raccoon again. Is this time going to escape or not?

Rose: This time is not going to escape. We’re going to catch it.

Anne: Oh no it runs a lot.

Kaitlin: Don’t desperate.

Narrator: Suddenly the girls heard a voice. It comes from a bush.

Rose: Do you hear these voice girls?From the bush…

Mary: Help! Help!Anne: It’s Rose?

Kaitlin: I don’t know but… hmm…

Narrator: Sara went to the bush.

Sara: It’s Rose. Yes.

Narrator: The other girls joined Mary.

Rose: Hi. Are you ok?

Mary: Yes. Well I think that I’ve broken leg it hurts, but…

Rose: Sara; help me and hold Mary back home. It’s too late. Our parents are going to kill us.

Mary: Ok. C’mon hurry up.

Narrator: When the girls go out they rainforest the smiled and said at the same time…Everybody: Don’t do this again.

Narrator: The girls came home just at time. They apologized with them parents, and next day they were free. But unfortunately next day it rained. But while this day; every weekend they were going to les Gorgues.

martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

Campionats de catalunya de clubs a calella


El geieg va anar a Calella a fer un campionat de catalunya de clubs, va ser molt divertit.

Vam anar amb autobús l'anada va ser aborrida però la tornada molt divertida.

Vam arribar allà a les 9:30 i la primera prova era a les 10:00.

Tothom havia de fer una o dues proves i a cada prova s'aconseguien punts.

El final és feia el recompte i se s'havia qui guanyava.

El geieg va cadar en 8 posició vam estar molt contentes però els tres primers els i donaven copa i els ruixaven amb aigua.

A la tornada ho vam celebrar que haviem quedat vuitenes amb 165'5 punts.

Vam arribar a les 3:00 i a dinar corrent que molta gana hi havia.